is the
festival of lights is one of the most dazzling of all Hindu festivals. In this
festival we worship Goddess Laxmi, the Goddess of wealth. During the festival
all the houses in the city and villages are decorated with lit oil lamps. Thus
during the night the entire village or city looks like a sparkling diamond.
This festival is celebrated for five days. We also refer to tihar as 'Yama
Panchak ' which literally means 'the five days of the underworld lord'. We also
worship 'yamaraj' in different forms in these five days. In other words this
festival is meant for life and prosperity.

There is a story, which tells why this revelry is
celebrated so widely. Once there was a king who was living his last days of
life. His astrologer had told him that a serpent would come and take his life
away. The king did not want to die so he has asked the astrologer if there was
any way to escape death. The king was advised to sleep with lit oil lamps all
around his bed and decorate the palace with oil lamps on laxmi puja day. So
goddess laxmi would talk to the serpent not to take his life. It did happen,
the serpent was convinced by goddess laxmi. The serpent took the king to Yama
Raj and told him that it was not yet the king's time to come to the underworld.
So Yama Raj opened his ledger and in it the kings remaining age was written
zero, but the serpent cleverly put seven before zero. Thus the king lived for
seventy more years. So onwards tihar is widely celebrated worshipping the
underworld and goddess laxmi.
The first day of tihar is known as 'Kag tihar', crows
day. Crow is an underworld henchman. On this day crows are offered food on a
plate made out of leaves in the morning before anyone in the house takes in
food. In the kingdom of Nepal crow is not killed cause as a legend says that
one crow had happened to drink the water of life. Thus you can see crows
everywhere sitting without the fear of human beings. Crow the messenger of
death is honoured on the first day of tihar.
The second day is called 'Kukur tihar', dogs day.
A dog plays many roles in our society. We have dogs in our houses as guardian
of the house. As the legend also says that there is a dog at yama's gate
guarding the gate to the underworld. The dog is also the steed of the fearful
Bhairab, the god of destruction. So on this day a big red tika is put on a
dog's forehead and a beautiful garland around the neck. After worshipping the
dog, it is given very delicious meal. This day the saying 'every dog has his
day' comes true; for even a stray dog is looked upon with respect. We pray to
the dog to guard our house as he guards the gate of the underworld and to
divert destruction away from our homes. On this day you can see dogs running
around with garlands on their neck.
The third day is the most important day of the
festival. It is called 'Laxmi puja', The day when we worship goddess of wealth.
On this day, early in the morning the cow is worshipped. Tika is put on her
head and a garland around her neck then she feasts with delicious food. A cow
also symbolises wealth and she is the most holy animal for Hindus. Cow is the
national animal of Nepal.
In the evening goddess laxmi is worshipped. Days
before the house are cleansed and decorated. For goddess likes clean and tidy
places. In the evening a small portion of the house outside the main door is painted
red with red mud and an oil lamp is lit on it. A pathway is made from here to
the place where the old money box and valuables are kept in the house that is
the puja room. All the Nepalese have a box where from generation to generation
money is put every year worshipping goddess laxmi. This money is never used
unless extreme emergency. The entire house is decorated with lit oil lamps in
every doors and windows. Laxmi, goddess of wealth is worshipped performing the
traditional rituals and when the rituals are over then gambling in the house
starts. This is a festival when gambling is not illegal. On this day throughout
the evening groups of girls come to houses singing song of praise of the
goddess and they are taken as guests and given gifts. This day the entire place
is lively through out the night.

If you belong to the Newar community, you perform
'Mha puja' which literally means worshipping yourself. The newar community
people are worshipping life by doing puja on themselves. On this very day the
newar New Year also starts. Nepal has many minor community calendars and newar
calendar is one of them.
The last day of tihar is 'Bhai tika', putting tika
on your brothers by your sisters. The royal astrologer gives the appropriate
time to put the tika through the national radio a day before and the entire
nation abides by it. Even his majesty receives tika from is sisters. When his
majesty receives tika a thirty-one-gun salute is given to honour the function.
At this moment the entire nation will be observing bhai tika. The main theme
behind bhai tika is the sisters praying for their brother's long life from Yama
Raj, god of the underworld.
The most exotic and dazzling festival comes to an
end after these five magnificent days of worship and honour to the goddess
laxmi and the underworld kingdom.
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